Your life-changing journey begins here
Learn how to get started with FODZYME and get the best results for your gut health.

Unleash the power of enzymes
While the current version of FODZYME may not address polyol-containing foods, using powder the right way will help you digest fructan, GOS and lactose like a dream.

Sprinkle & Stir
Sprinkle a dose over your meal and mix. Otherwise, a full dose on the first bite will work just as well!

Avoid Water
The powder works best when mixed directly with your meals, while
water can diminish the effect of enzymes.

Do not snort
No matter the resemblance to other white powders, FODZYME works best
when consumed orally.

Chew & savor
When possible, chew well to help the enzymes integrate with FODMAPs
and activate instantly.

Don't heat up
Avoid adding the powder to your cooking, as enzymes will deactivate
at very high temperatures.

Dose up if needed
If you're eating for more than 30 minutes, we recommend adding
a booster dose midway through.
Foods that FODZYME works with (and not)
See the foods high in specific FODMAPs and make sure not to use FODZYME on foods high in polyols. See the full list certified by the Monash University below.
✔️ Fructan and GOS
✔️ Products high in lactose
🙅 Foods rich in polyols (currently not compatible with FODZYME)
From now on, you can enjoy every bite
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