Chocolate, watches, cheese, and FODZYME®. Finally, ALL the fine things were in Switzerland. But that's only the beginning. After making FODZYME available in Switzerland this summer, FODCORNER, Switzerland’s first and only online shop with a variety of low FODMAP products, expanded to the whole of European Union.
Now ready to deliver FODZYME in a matter of days, FODCORNER will be serving every country in the EU and cut delivery times drastically.
After taking over the Swiss market, FODZYME® magic was impossible to contain. By means no other than its power, it swiftly ventured out to continental Europe, where it was welcomed with open arms.
Partnering with FODCORNER is something we, at FODZYME®, are particularly excited about: based in the heart of Europe, they starter by delivering to Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Now, they have expanded operations to all 26 countries in the European Union to help us, at FODZYME®, make food painless for all those struggling with FODMAPs.
Quite young to the market, FODCORNER aims to make life a little easier for people suffering from IBS. What can we say - we can definitely relate.
But it was the shared experience between the people behind FODZYME® and FODCORNER themselves, that sparked our curiosity. As you may know, Anjie, the CEO and co-founder of Kiwi Biosciences (the team behind FODZYME®) has been struggling with IBS for years before deciding to develop FODZYME®. Similarly, FODCORNER’s co-founder Andrea also experienced the low-FODMAP diet on her own skin.
When Andrea discovered FODZYME®, she not only started using it herself, but together with René, they were determined to make it easily available in Switzerland through FODCORNER.
“We really enjoy good and healthy food, which was not possible to the same extent for several years due to Andrea's low FODMAP diet. We are very happy that with FODZYME® Andrea can finally enjoy so many dishes she wasn’t able to eat for a few years. Also, thanks to FODZYME, traveling and social as well as business events are possible and enjoyable again without any problems and pain. Andrea has regained a great deal of quality of life.”
René Vogt, co-founder of FODCORNER
Fuelled by personal experience, the shop was created by Andrea and René, co-founders of FODCORNER. According to Andrea and René, it was a project of the heart for both of them. It was Andrea, however, whose personal experience turned on the ignition.
When Andrea started the low-FODMAP diet in 2020, she soon felt a lot better and it helped to improve her overall well-being a lot, as the IBS problems eased. However, Andrea soon realized that finding low-FODMAP products in supermarkets, as well as online, was really difficult.
Their research showed that there are a lot of low-FODMAP products all over the world, but unfortunately, not accessible in Switzerland. With a background in finance and food distribution, the founders developed an online store that would cater to IBS sufferers in Switzerland and beyond, making everyday life a little easier for all those with digestive issues.
FODZYME® is the world's first enzyme blend to directly tackle the FODMAPs fructan, GOS, and lactose. If you are wondering about polyols, we are working on a novel polyol-targeting enzyme as we speak. Our enzymes are very specialized proteins produced by microorganisms that break down specific substrates, in this case, FODMAP molecules.
FODZYME® works as you digest your meal by breaking down the FODMAPs into simple sugars that are quickly absorbed in the small intestine, effectively eliminating the FODMAPs in your gut.
Having launched in the UK earlier this year, FODZYME® is now available directly from FODCORNER, our first official retailer in Switzerland and the EU, letting more and more people around the world enjoy their favorite foods pain-free.
Make your food painless today - try FODZYME®’s magic for yourself.